Learning Java can be a daunting task for new developers who struggles to learn Java? Our comprehensive introduction course is the perfect way to get you up to speed! With our step-by-step tutorials, you'll learn all the basics of Java, from variables and operators to classes and objects. Plus, our course includes a monthly Q&A session with an experienced Java developer, so you can get personalized help as you go. So don't waste another minute trying to figure out Java on your own start learning right away!
Java fast and Easy, how write #java class in 2 minutes #introduction
learn #java #inheritance, method #overloading, method #overriding and #polymorphism fast and easy.
This video in fast and easy java series gives an introduction to Java class inheritance, method overloading, method overriding and polymorphism.
Everything is explained through example code including
1)what is inheritance and use of inheritance
2)what is method overriding, how to do method overriding and using it
3)what is method overloading and how to do method overloading
and what is Polymorphism and how to use polymorphism to your benefit
Loops in Java explained, For, while, do while and nested loop. fast and easy way
1)for loop: The for loop is used to execute a block of code a specific number of times. It has a counter variable that is initialized, tested, and updated on each iteration.
2)while loop: The while loop is used to execute a block of code while a certain condition is true. It checks the condition before each iteration.
3)do-while loop: The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, but it checks the condition after the first iteration.
4)for-each loop: The for-each loop is used to iterate through the elements of an array or a collection.
We explain concepts of inner classes, interfaces , abstract classes and anonymous classes, This a fast and easy introduction to these core concepts
#innerclasses #interfaces #abstractclasses #anonymousclasses #staticinnerclasses
Discuses #records #threads #filereader #filewriter #bufferedReader #BufferedWriter #filewiter #Exceptions #try #catch #ExceptionHierarchy #multithreading in java fast and easy way
We discuss Java Custom Exception By Creating our own exception and handling it gracefully. make record comparable by implementing comparable interface and overriding equals method. then we create comparators and use it for sorting. We go on to collections of java.util package ArrayList ,Set , HashSet, SortedSet, TreeSet, HashMap. TreeMap etc are discussed.
In Java, custom exceptions are exceptions that you create yourself to handle specific types of errors or exceptional conditions that may occur in your program. To create a custom exception, you need to create a new class that extends the built-in Exception class or one of its subclasses. This new class should define a constructor that takes a string argument, which will be used to hold an error message that describes the exception.Once you've created your custom exception class, you can throw instances of it in your code using the "throw" keyword when a specific exceptional condition is met. You can also catch and handle the custom exception using a try-catch block, just like any other built-in exception.
Different basic logical structures clearly explained in this fast and easy java series. It includes if elseif and else statement. logical and comparison operators. Switch statements and switch operator String functions like compare, equals, length , case changing and regular expressions
In Java, conditional blocks are used to execute different code based on whether a certain condition is true or false. The two most commonly used conditional blocks are the if statement and the switch statement. The if statement is used to check if a certain condition is true and if it is, the code within the if block will be executed. If the condition is false, the code within the if block will be skipped and the program will continue with the next block of code. The switch statement is used to check the value of a variable against multiple cases and execute the code corresponding to the first matching case. If none of the cases match the value of the variable, the default case will be executed if there is one. Both if and switch statement can be combined with else if and else statement to give more complex and powerful control over the flow of the program
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